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Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Blumenau, Brazil


The example of body capital is given by the movement and sports that a particular culture enjoys or practice. The body is the center of physical education (PE) and sport, body capital is the capital that bodies have according to the cultural or economic importance that this body interacts in relation to its “use” for a particular sport or activity. In this context, groups of people admire the same body aesthetics, with a standardized biotype for a certain sport modality that is culturally appreciated and valued, which has also evidenced this body or embodied dimension of experience in a certain sport activity. This study aims to understand the condition and importance of the body related to education in Brazil and the United States (U.S.). The main objective is to compare the importance of the body in the education of these countries. Searching through bibliographic, the intention of this research is to understand how the body capital, movement, sports, and aesthetics, are related to the culture of each country. The research recognize how the body and its capital interfere in the education of the students and consequently in their academic and social development.


body capital, education in Brazil, education in United States (U.S.), physical education (PE) and sport

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