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Our country has an extraordinary tourist richness, proof of which is the southern region of the municipality of Tlaquiltenango, Morelos, which has a number of tourist attractions that could be exploited for the benefit of the community; however, these attractions are underused. In order to carry out a first approach to the object of study, a research with a qualitative approach was done, which allowed us to understand and deepen into the research topic from the perspective of the participants (inhabitants of the communities involved). The main objective of this paper is to investigate the perspective of the municipal authorities on the realization of an agreement on the participation in their communities, as well as to know from their point of view the economic, social, and cultural environment; Expand their experiences and the way they perceive their reality. The problem was approached from the design and the study with a sample oriented towards the qualitative research denominated homogenous sample. It was concluded that: The people interviewed feel a great love for their people and their roots. It was found that people have cultural identity and a great sense of belonging, and they consider that it is feasible to generate a tourist corridor since they do have the necessary attractions.


rural tourism, ecotourism, regional development

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