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The paper is a part of an ongoing study, labelled as “Designing out wicked problems” - a design science research (DSR) study with the purpose of developing, implementing, and evaluating a methodology framework for designing multi-stakeholder business models. The objective of the current paper is to evaluate the business model design framework within a DSR framework. The research is conducted as three-year case study at three sites: The Danish police, with a key player in the Danish energy sector, and the municipality of the Danish capital, Copenhagen. The research method is action research, with a structure of planning-action-evaluation process conducted with the case owners - as well as design science methodology, where an artifact (the multi-stakeholder business model design concept) is created, evaluated and altered to improve its functionality. The finding of this study is that the maturity of the application domain - the type of problem the concept is trying to solve - as well as of the concept itself, is low. The conclusion is thus that the knowledge contribution of the study is of a unique invention character which will lay the foundation for further evaluation and research.


business models, design science, wicked problems, multi-stakeholder initiatives, co-creation, strategic visualization

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