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1. Department of Botany, Makerere University, Kampala 7062, Uganda
2. Laboratory of Natural Science, Jean-Monnet French School, Brussels 1180, Belgium


A phytosociological study of a weed community dominated by Hydrocotyle mannii and Centella asiatica was carried out in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda from 2000 to 2002. The Zurich-Montpellier School of Phytosociology method was used with special emphasis on floristic and synecological structure as well as on dynamic aspects. This community was found to grow on shady moist roadsides and is about 15 cm high. In total, 54 species were recorded; most of them are annual, anemochorous and widespread. The Hydrocotyle mannii and Centella asiatica community is described as a new weed association: Hydocotylo-Centelletum asiaticae Mosango ass. nova.. Hydrocotyle mannii, Centella asiatica, Dichondra repens and Sida veronicifolia have been recognized as the character species of this association. The Hydrocotylo-Centelletum is a pioneer association. It has been ascribed to the alliance Eleusinion indicae Leonard 1950 which includes plant communities growing on shady roadsides. In terms of ecological succession, it appears to be evolving to the Asystasia gangetica herbaceous fallow association which belongs to the alliance Panicion maximi. It belongs to the order Ruderali-Euphorbietalia Schmitz 1971 and the class Ruderali-Manihotetea Leonard in Taton 1949.


Hydrocotyle mannii and Centella asiatica community, phytosociology, ecology, life forms, dispersal, chorology, Kampala, Uganda. 

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