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“Knowledge society” refers to a learning society, where people are engaged in research and innovation. Creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge are the salient features of the knowledge society. Emerging Knowledge Society’s (EKS) approaches on defining “means of knowledge” are formulated on bases of thoughts of various ancient as well as modern philosophical schools. Epistemology of the EKS classifies the knowledge sources into three means, i.e., (a) perception, (b) testimony, and (c) inference. Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through our senses. The EKS’s approach considers “perception” as the prime source of knowledge. Testimony is the formal written or spoken statement. Hence, it can be considered as the secondary source of knowledge. Inference is the conclusion reached on the bases of logic and assumption. The EKS’s approach considers “inference” as the tertiary source of knowledge as it derives from either perception or testimony or both. However, inferences based on perception are more valuable than based on testimony.


knowledge society, means of knowledge, epistemology, perception, testimony, inference

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