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Pregnancy, parturition, and lactation represent physiological changes of organism, which activates adaptation mechanisms dedicated to maintain homeostasis during peripartum period. Despite of the appropriate input of calcium and phosphorus, the homeostasis of phosphocalcic metabolism is sometimes faulty, in particular among animals with high production potential. The aim of this study is to define usual values of calcium and phosphorus during pregnancy and postpartum period. This paraclinic tool will serve to a good interpretation when used by veterinarians. A second goal is to study the influence of physiological stage on phosphocalcic metabolism in milch cow. The hereby study was conducted on 17 Prim’ Holsteins cow breed from 3 to 5 years old, clinically healthy, multiparous and derived from two dairy farms located in the wilaya of Constantine. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein using dry tubes at different physiological stages (early gestation, mid gestation, late gestation, pre-partum, one day after parturition, and one month postpartum). All of the samples correctly identified were transported to a specialized laboratory where specific kits were used. Blood calcium and phosphorus levels have significantly varied depending on physiological stage (p < 0.01). They showed a high pre-partum variation, with a rate of 94.71 mg/mL and 61.99 mg/mL, respectively. These results can be used as means of follow-up reproduction for a better management of dairy farming.


Calcium Blood level, phosphorus blood level, milch cow, gestation, postpartum.

Cite this paper

Benhizia, S., et al. 2017. “Pregnancy and Postpartum in the Holstein Cow of Constantine Region.” Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 5 (8): 526-530.


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