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Bristol University, Bristol, United Kingdom


This review discusses Nezakat-Alhossaini, Youhanaee, and Moinzadeh’s research study entitled “Impact of Explicit Instruction on EFL Learners’ Implicit and Explicit Knowledge: A Case of English Relative Clauses.” This study was chosen for evaluation because it strives to attach significance to explicit instruction in L2 acquisition, unlike other more recent research, which seeks to reinforce implicit instruction as it is viewed as the idealistic goal of language learning (Rebuschat & William, 2009). The present review will be developed by means of an evaluation of Alhossaini and her colleagues’ study, consisting of a concise summary of the study, a classification of the philosophical perspective, the selection of criteria, and the strengths and weaknesses of the study. In this review, I hope that I succeed to broadly navigate the research enterprise, commencing with the philosophical perspective of research, such as the epistemological and ontological stances shaping the philosophical perspective and then colouring the research. By reviewing this study, I would also hope that I successfully evaluate the research quality by using appropriate criteria in an attempt to suggest potential directions for further research (under strengths and weaknesses of the study).


implicit knowledge, explicit instruction, implicit knowledge, relative clauses

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Nezakat-Alhossaini, M., Youhanaee, M., & Moinzadeh, A. (2014). Impact of explicit instruction on EFL learners’ implicit and explicit knowledge: A case of English relative clauses. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(2), 183-199.

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