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Jinan University, Guangzhou, China


This study investigates foreign learners’ acquisition of the Chinese modal adverb fanzheng on the basis of interlanguage corpus. We find that the sentences written by foreign learners of Chinese (hereafter simplified as FLC) with the word fanzheng are quite similar to those by Chinese native speakers in the distribution of the syntactic categories, semantic types, semantic functions, pragmatic or discourse functions. These characterize basically the word fanzheng as one of the modal adverbs in such three aspects as syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Most of the FLCs study the basic meanings and typical contexts of the word fanzheng at primary stage, and later the functions emphasizing reasons, summary or explaining, and then the function of textual cohesion at the intermediate and advanced stage. The main causes of errors reflect that the FLCs are not able to differentiate the usage of fanzheng and that of other causal or adversative conjunctions.


Chinese modal adverb fanzheng, interlanguage system, acquisition process, errors, foreign learner of Chinese (FLC)

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