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Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences, Budapest, Hungary


The occurrence of English terms can be frequently observed in Hungarian professional communication in the
domain of online marketing. One of the reasons for this phenomenon could be that the currently available
terminological sources do not contain adequate target language terms. This paper sets out to investigate the
different types of correspondences and translation procedures applied by the authors of English-Hungarian
dictionaries and online glossaries. Drawing on the models and taxonomies of contact linguistics and translation
studies, a taxonomy has been set up to categorize correspondences between English and Hungarian online
marketing terms. The database is comprised of 906 occurrences of terms extracted from two English-Hungarian
dictionaries and eight online glossaries. Findings indicate that terminological sources frequently rely on direct and
partial borrowing. In other words, authors are not typically concerned with target language term creation.


terminology, translation studies, contact linguistics, dictionaries, online glossaries

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