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Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey


The developments in information and communication technologies everyday and the effects of globalization have led to many changes in most of the fields including marketing communications. Today, businesses are struggling to survive intensely, to be able to be heard in a global competitive environment, and to keep their market share to the forefront. In this sense, the businesses that have taken into consideration that the current developments have caused great changes in the consumers, also added social media which they use very intensely in order to reach the consumers in the period that the traditional methods have lost importance, to their marketing mix as an important brand communication medium. Social media makes it necessary to go out of tradition in marketing activities. In the social media economy, consumers are at the forefront, and the structures that carry on their activities in interaction with the consumer are gaining importance. Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are among the most frequently used social networks in our country, but in recent times Instagram is another platform that has recently attracted the attention of companies. The study examined the comparison of traditional marketing and social media marketing. The study also examined the importance of using images and the usage of Instagram as a marketing tool.


social media, social network, marketing, Instagram

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