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Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey


One’s alienation from herself/himself and the society in which she/he lives is a common theme in literature. Though alienation begins with the disharmony, or anomaly, between the society and individual, it usually ends up with the individual’s distanciation from the society and retreat into her/his private and inner space. Yet s/he cannot get rid of the problems surrounding her/him and experiences a disastrous end. In this sense, the novel Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, a nineteenth-century French novelist, and Kiralık Konak (The Mansion for Sale) by Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoglu, a twentieth-century Turkish writer, are two ideal examples for this theme in that the protagonists of these two novels are alienated from themselves and their society. This study is intended to make a comparative analysis of these two novels on the basis of the term “alienation” in the light of Emile Durkheim’s views of the issue.


Emma, Seniha, alienation, culture, Flaubert, Karaosmanoğlu

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