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Federal Institute of Science and Education Farroupilha—Campus Panambi, Rua Erechim 860, 98280-000 Panambi, RS, Brazil


In two consecutive seasons, the storage capacity of “Jonagold” apple fruit was investigated under regular air (RA) and various controlled atmosphere (CA) conditions during six months at 0 ± 0.3 °C. The different CA treatment combinations were: (1) 0.5 kPa O2 + 0.5 kPa CO2, (2) 2.0 kPa O2 + 1.0 kPa CO2, (3) 1.0 kPa O2 + 3.0 kPa CO2 and (4) 0.5 kPa O2 + 6.0 kPa CO2. Ethylene production and respiration rate were evaluated at each two months storage intervals during 7 d shelf life at 20 °C. Fruit quality traits were analyzed immediately at the end of storage period and after 7 d shelf life at 20 °C. Under CA treatment, the lower the O2 and/or the higher the CO2 partial pressure, the stronger was the inhibition of the ethylene production and respiration rate of apple fruit. The 0.5 kPa O2 + 6.0 kPa CO2 CA condition induced the strongest suppression in ethylene production and consequently lower CO2 release by apple fruit. At the end of storage period, “Jonagold” apple fruit was very tolerant to all CA conditions, and any kind of internal storage disorders was observed. The storage of “Jonagold” apple at 1.0 kPa O2 + 3.0 kPa CO2 and 0.5 kPa O2 + 6.0 kPa CO2 proportionated higher flesh firmness (FF), greener skin color (SC) and higher titratable acidity (TA) either immediately after storage or after 7 d shelf life at 20 °C. Total soluble solids were not significantly affected by CA storage conditions.


Carbon dioxide, “Jonagold” apple, controlled atmosphere conditions, fruit quality, ultra-low oxygen.

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