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1. Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Capão do Leão University Campus, Capão do Leão, RS, CEP 96900-010, Brazil
2. Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Dom Pedrito, CEP 96450000, RS, Brazil
3. Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense (IFSul), Education Science and Technology, Campus Pelotas Visconde da Graça, Av. Engenheiro Ildefonso Simões Lopes, 21-Três Vendas, Pelotas, RS, CEP 96060-290, Brazil
4. University of Western Santa Catarina (UNOESC), Brazilian Agricultural Research Company-Epagri, R. Paese, 198-Bairro Universitário, Videira, SC, CEP 89560-000, Brazil


Rainy years especially in the ripening period end up weakening grape quality, thus making it unsatisfactory for winemaking. The possibility of using wine grape varieties in the preparation of juices presents an alternative to the grapes that do not reach ideal harvest for winemaking. Assuming that the preparation of juice from wine grapes can be an alternative to these grapes which in harvests are considered poor for winemaking and can be harvested in advance, thus preventing losses from late cycle disease and excessive spending on phytosanitary treatments, the present study aimed to evaluate the juices made from “Cabernet Sauvignon”, “Merlot” and “Chardonnay” grapes harvested at different points of maturation, and subsequently compare with current legislation. Physicochemical analysis of titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), relative density, total sugar, alcohol, volatile acidity and SS/TA ratio was carried out on the juices produced at three sampling points (15, 17 and 19 °Brix). The results showed variability between treatment factors (cultivars and points of maturation). Analyses of titratable acidity, soluble solids, SS/TA ratio, relative density, total sugars and volatile acidity showed significance for the interaction between the tested treatment factors. For the variable alcohol, there was no significance for the effect of variety, maturation stage or the interaction between the factors of treatment. It was concluded that Cabernet Sauvignon juice met the parameters set by law at 17 °Brix, while Chardonnay and Merlot juices showed consistent results only at harvest point 19 °Brix.


Vitis vinifera, maturation point, grape juice, physicochemical quality.

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