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Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México


The present work shows the results of a pilot methodology, designed after a series of observations and documented from 2006, on the process of acquisition of Translation Competence (TC) of students of translation. This method of analysis, appointed Previous Protocol to Translation or PPT, emerged as an option in search of teaching strategies of translation. This PPT has provided data not only on how novice translators acquire the translation competence, but it has been uncovered some independent variables that directly affect their development. There has been, in the four semesters analyzed in this work, a clear pattern that shows that an appropriate quality control to translate (and to carry out punctual terminology management) determines a better or worse quality of the final product (translations); therefore, this reflects in a better translation competence in the novice students.


Punctual Terminology Management, instrumental subcompetence, translation competence, correlation

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