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My purpose here, is to develop an analytical framework to highlight and support the undeniable potential of human rights education in the double context of globalization on the one hand, and very notion of multiculturalism and assessment of its usefulness to grasp the challenging realities of present times and provide viable descriptions, interpretations, and explications of contemporary processes, on the other. This paper concentrates on the issue of rethinking the concept of multiculturalism, integration, tolerance and human rights in the context of the wider ongoing debate about the place of multiculturalism in contemporary Europe. In interpreting contemporary debates about multiculturalism in Europe, it is critical to distinguish between political discourse and government policies. At the level of discourse, there is a widespread perception that multiculturalism has failed and that governments that once embraced a multicultural approach to diversity are turning away adopting a strong emphasis on civic integration. Nevertheless, those civic integration initiatives are often being layered on top of existing multicultural programs, leading to a blended approach to diversity. With the above in mind, I will argue that an understanding of different cultures and how to communicate across them has been a great asset, and challenge to human rights and citizenship education activities taking place across Europe.


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