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City University of Macao, SAR Macao, China
Macao University of Science and Technology, SAR Macao, China


Multi-linguistic landscape such as Macao’s street names consisting of Chinese and Portuguese is regarded as a significant cultural artifact. However, the studies of street names of tourism destinations are rare in tourism field. This study therefore attempts to investigate the relationship between Macao’s street names and residents’ perceptions, and to identify residents’ support for Macao’s street names as a tourism attraction. Appropriately statistical analyses such as frequency analysis, independent-samples t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to achieve the objectives. The results of study show that trilingual street names consisting of Chinese, Portuguese, and English might satisfy residents’ needs more than bilingual street names written in Chinese and Portuguese. Besides, residents with longer length-of-residence or residents who are willing to work in tourism related industry have a tendency to support Macao’s street names for becoming tourism attraction.


residents’ perceptions, multi-linguistic landscape, bilingual street names, trilingual street names, Macao

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