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Crisis Decision Program, Environment and Life Science Research Center, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, P.O. Box 24885, Safat 13109, Kuwait


Land degradation is of great concern in the desert environment of Kuwait, as it has a negative impact on the natural resources. In response to this situation, Kuwait conserves their natural environment by setting aside areas of significant natural ecosystem, such as wild life center at the Liyah area. The area suffered during the past four decades from severe environmental pressures due to the excessive exploitation of natural resources of sand and gravel as well as overgrazing and military activities. Re-vegetation and restoration programs were applied in the degraded areas in Liyah in December 2003. A large variety of native plants were used for the restoration, however, in this research, only one native perennial drought resistant plant Lycium shawii (Awsaj) was highlighted. Tissue cultured thorny shrub planted at experimental site showed high adaptation on gravel hill side with harsh field condition. Their survival rate was 100% under drip irrigation only 10% was the mortality rate due to improper fixation of irrigation system. The average length of the main stem and the number of branches gradually increased by year from 42 cm with three branches in 2011 to 170 cm with seven branches in 2014. Since Lycium shrubs have the ability to grow in severely degraded areas, with extreme condition of prolonged drought, high temperature and poor nutrient soil as well as their ability to form nabkha, it is considered to be most suitable shrub used for rehabilitation program at Liyah area.


Degraded lands, restoration program, thorny shrub, Lycium shawii

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