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Technology University in Prague, Czech Republic


A negative attitude to the physical reconstruction of damaged or destroyed historic structures back to their original forms has been deeply rooted in the Czech heritage conservation philosophy since the beginning of the twentieth century. Under the influence of practices abroad, Czech conservators have, however, in some cases, accepted reconstruction. This paper seeks to illustrate the process of continuously oscillating between the refusal and the acceptance of reconstruction in the Czech Republic, with selected cases taken from heritage conservation practice—namely, the facades on the north side of the main square in the historic town of Nové Město nad Metují in east Bohemia (1952-1954), the western facade of the Emmaus Abbey Church in Prague (1964-1966), Stone Bell House in Prague (1974-1988), and the spires and gables of the Lesser Town town hall in Prague (2007-2008). They show how much the quality and the regard to historical faithfulness of the execution matters in reconstruction and how useful it is in this process to follow the principles of the Charter of Venice, an international document on heritage conservation issued in 1964, which, despite some recent objections, is still far from obsolete.


Heritage conservation, reconstruction, historical authenticity, credibility, historicism, modernism

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Sociology Study, December 2016, Vol. 6, No. 12, 783-789


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