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University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland


The phenomenon of recent emigration on the Apennine Peninsula is quite fresh but intense. The emigration literary culture which is formed in this exile is not very abundant, but with distinct trends between certificating and documenting the experiences of immigrants. Reportages play an important role, including A Sud di Lampedusa. Cinque anni di viaggi sulle rotte dei migranti by Stefano Liberti, A Lampedusa. Affari, malaffari, rivolta e sconfitta dell’isola che voleva diventare la porta d’Europa, a book written by Italian journalists Fabio Sanfilippo and Alice Scialoja, and a diary La scelta di Catia written by Catia Pellegrino. In addition, many materials (including journalistic materials) confirm the existence of a preliminary reconnaissance, however, requires further research. Italian documentaries, personal opinions and comments that go far beyond literature in the strict sense complement the panorama of contemporary emigration which comes from Africa and the Near East. However, they allow us to understand better the area of psychosocial determinants of individual migration decisions and specificity of the migrants’ experience, including the experience of the community. How do human solidarity and effectiveness work in the process of the emigration on the European continent? An analysis of the phenomenon of the emigration on the Apennine Peninsula is inextricably linked with the questions about the confrontation and integration, about the literature which is created in this community and the impact political correctness has on its shape, as well as about the new model of immigrant/the African/the European. 


Italian non-fiction literature, emigration, the Apennine Peninsula

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