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Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China


Since the end of the 20th century, Mo Yan has made an attempt to reflect on China’s historical changes throughout the 20th century as a whole. Centered on such several novels as Big Breasts and Wide Hips, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out and Frog, this paper explores the author’s thinking of the interruption and repetition phenomena in China’s 20th century history. Differing from viewing the history in a modern linear progressive perspective, Mo Yan regards the interruption of history as a sign of human degradation, which derives from the loss of folk history subjectivity. When history is treated rudely, its repetition will occur, and the one who treats history as laughingstocks will be written into history as part of a “farce”.


Mo Yan, the 20th century, interruption of history, repetition of history

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