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Yeni Yüzyıl University, İstanbul, Turkey


In respect of all forms of enterprises, whether it is a private or public institution, labor cohesion and productivity is one of the most emphasized issues. Culture, on the other hand, can be characterized as one of the inextricable and hardly ever alterable features of human kind. Whether the profession cohesion and accordingly productivity of those employed within a culture discrepant from their culture of origin both due to the effect of globalization and domestic conditions are culturally affected is a question of importance, which must be answered with regard to state, institution, and employee. The occupational obligation to work in various regions, encountered in public employees at a national scale, particularly in the fields of education and health, and identified with legislative regulations, has become a reason of preference due to economic justifications for private sector employees. Hofstede (1990), who divides culture, in general, into two, national and organizational, has presented five parameters for the elucidation of cultures. These are “power distance”, “individualism vs. collectivism”, “masculinity vs. femininity”, “uncertainty avoidance”, and “long and short term orientation”. By means of power distance, the conception by an organization or social structure of power distribution of its members is queried. In other words, the difficulty or simplicity in people establishing communication with more influential individuals of the society is evaluated. Individualism vs. collectivism is with regard to whether individuals consider themselves as a distinct individual or a member of a group. Masculinity vs. femininity is the parameter, explanatory of the mentality, rather than a form of gender discrimination. Masculine cultures attach more importance to competition, force, and achievement whereas feminine societies place emphasis on emotions and life quality. Uncertainty avoidance is associated with the attitude of societies towards uncertainties. While some may not pay attention to uncertainties, for others, situations without clear boundaries may be registered as a threat. Long and short term orientation is related to long or short term planned by people and accordingly bearing expectations and in other respects, displays the past, present, and future oriented thinking tendency. Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to identify the positive or negative impact of the culture of origin of university staff, to be designated in Istanbul/Turkey, on the organizational culture. By means of the results of the aforementioned study, the comparison of cohesion is in terms of ability to communicate and accordingly productivity, within the frame of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, between those employed within their culture (of origin) and those employed in different cultures. In pursuant of the results obtained from this study, an opinion can be formed for the regulations to be issued on the matter on national scale. At institutional scale, contributions can be made in the assessment of employee productivity from the aforesaid perspective and in terms of the employee, awareness can be raised on the impact of working within the body of different cultures.


culture, labor, organizational culture, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, regional culture

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