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North China University of Technology, Beijing, China


Maggie Charles and Diane Pecorari’s (2016) Introducing English for Academic Purposesis a very good book for 
specialized language, covering EAP’s research in scope, planning and teaching, and evaluation and the issues are 
profound and clear. From the extension of language research to the formulation of policy, it can be described as 
novel and unique. It sums up the research contents and opinions in detail in the article. 


EAP, planning, academic 

Cite this paper

Charles, M., & Pecorari, D. (2016). Introducing English for academic purposes. Oxon: Routledge. 
Duley-Evans, T., & St. John, M. J. (1998).  Developments in ESP: A multi-disiplinary approach. Cambridge: Cambridge 
University Press. 
Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
LU, J. E. (2010). Reading report of language and culture. Journal of Popular Literature and Art, 19,121.

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