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Vegetables and Proteagineous Crops Research Programme, Food Crops Research Station, National Agricultural Research Centre (CNRA), Bouaké, 01 BP 633, Côte d’Ivoire


Three African eggplant (Solanum spp.) varieties were assessed in six mineral manures doses T + 1/2T, T + 1/4T, T, T – 1/4T, T – 1/2T and without fertilizer, with reference treatment T = 300 kg/ha of NPK 10-18-18 applied before transplanting + a mixture of 100 kg/ha of urea and 200 kg/ha of potassium sulphate at 30, 60 and 90 d after transplanting, to establish fertilization protocol for their cultivation. The experiment was laid out in split-plot design with three replications with varieties constituting the main factor and the fertilizer doses as secondary factor. The main observed parameters were the number of days to 50% flowering, the fruit number and weight per plant, individual fruit weight and fruit yields. As results, the interaction between varieties and fertilizer doses was significantly different only for the number of days to 50% of flowering (P = 0.0078) and the fruit number per plant (P = 0.0001), while any significant difference was observed for individual fruit weight (P = 0.64), fruit weight per plant (P = 0.74) and fruit yields (P = 0.74). The difference among the fertilizers treatments was significant for the number of days to flowering, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant and fruit yield for Aub33K/06Gn and Aub55N/10K, whereas any significant difference was observed for these parameters concerning Aub21N/06Du. Whatever the variety, there was not any significant difference among the fertilizers treatments for the individual fruit weight. For Aub33K/06Gn and Aub55N/10K cultivation, the fertilizers doses T – 1/4T and T – 1/2T are suggested, respectively, while a specific study is proposed for Aub21N/06Du. As perspective, economic studies are proposed to confirm the above suggested choices of fertilizers rates.


African eggplant, fertilization protocol, economic analysis.

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