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Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan


Paradise Garden” concept has given rise to the application of several spiritual and aesthetic meaning that helped raise the efficiency of the therapeutic environment. The hypothesis revolves around the idea that the technological development increased the interest in the functional side rather than the aesthetic side in the current therapeutic buildings. This had a negative effect on the efficiency of the functional environment and thus exceeded the negative impact on the satisfaction and comfort of the building users. This hypothesis has been tested through two types of studies: first, analytical study of four hospitals by analyzing the horizontal projections to measure the effects of the natural lighting and ventilation; second, questionnaires were distributed to both the patients and the staff in the therapeutic buildings to measure the therapeutic environment efficiency and the extent of satisfaction of users of the building. It was concluded that the natural lighting and ventilation drive up healing rate in the therapeutic environment. The correctness of this idea is revealed by the conclusion that the technological advances in the medical field helped to raise the level of functional performance and thus it replaced a large part of the role of the natural lighting and ventilation.


Therapeutic buildings, paradise garden, Bimaristan.

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