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Mulungushi University, Kabwe, Zambia


This study explores the impact of organization structure on human resource management in a bi-national organization Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA). It is a bi-national organization because it is jointly owned and managed by the two contacting states of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Republic of Zambia. Tanzania-Zambia Railway stretches 1,860 meters from the Port of Dar es Salaam in East Africa to New Kapiri Mposhi in Zambia. The study seeks to provide answers to such questions as what is an organization structure. Can an organization structure affect human resource management in an organization? If so how? What type of organization structure can be appropriate for a bi-national organization? What are the advantages and the limitations of the organization structure designed for TAZARA? What measures can be taken to deal with the disadvantages? Organization structure refers to the formal arrangement of tasks, communication, and authority relationships that influence and control how people coordinate and conduct their work (Martin & Fellenz, 2010). The study was undertaken within phenomenological paradigm due to the nature of the inquiry of the impact of the organization structure on a bi-national organization concerned with the relationships of actors such as governments as both institutions and employers and employees as individuals and groups. Phenomenological paradigm is concerned with the understanding of human behavior from the participants’ frame of reference. The study was designed as a case study where the researcher explores a phenomenon (case) in this case ( the organization structure) bounded in time and activity (in this case TAZARA as an institution) and collects data using a variety of procedures during a sustained period of time. It was appropriate for exploring, understanding, and obtaining in depth knowledge of understanding the impact of organization structure on a bi-national organization Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority, which is divided into two regions and the Head office. Both primary and secondary data were collected from the two regions and the Head office. Primary data were collected by focus group discussion, and structured interviews and questionnaires while secondary data were collected by archival method, organization documents, books, and news papers. Data were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods by triangulation techniques. Sample size comprised eight governments and Board of Directors officials, 35 Management officials, 11 trade union officials and 58 focus group members from seven discussions groups, and bring the total to 112. The study revealed that the organization structure has both advantages and limitations. From governments’ perspective the structure provides the means of maintaining equal commitment, ownership, and management of the organization by the two contracting states, while the business perspective has identified two limitations. First, the three-tier structure is expensive because of duplication of duties. Second, the involvement of government officials in managing the organization brings in government bureaucracy which should be avoided in business due to slow decision making. Efforts to change the structure to make it business, as so far have proved futile due to governments’ reluctance to relinquish power as this will be seen as reducing their commitment to the organization.


bi-national organization, three-tier organization structure, phenomenological paradigm, case study, triangulation

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