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Department of Agronomy Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly, T.E.I. 41110, Larisa, Greece


The effect of three different N-fertilization levels (N1: 625, N2: 385 and N3: 770 kg ha-1; where in case of N1 was used the 3-6-10+3MgO+30% OM and in cases of N2-N3 the 26-0-0 fertilizers) on fresh and dry weight of the perennial Rosmarinus officinalis (upright cultivar) was investigated during the 2nd year after establishment at the Experimental Farm of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly in Greece (TEI; Larissa plain) in 2015. It is well documented that the crop reaches its potential yield on the third year of cultivation and continues producing biomass for as long as eight years. Complete weather data (air temperature, radiation, air humidity, precipitation) were recorded hourly in an automatic meteorological station, which was installed to the experimental farm of TEI. Upon harvest (November 3rd 2015), the crop reached a maximum fresh yield of 11.67 tons per hectare and dry yield of 4.3, respectively. The average fresh weight was 8.2, 8.4 and 8.9 t ha-1 and the dry weight were 2.6, 3.1 and 3.2 t ha-1 for the N1, N2 and N3 levels, respectively. Furthermore the higher moisture content was observed in the case of N1 level (68%). Therefore, the above data show that rosemary cultivation could be a promising alternative crop, especially in case of the consideration that average selling price of dry rosemary in Greece is 3.5 € kg-1 and the average gross income exceeds the amount of 10,000 € ha-1.


Rosmarinus officinalis L., fertilization, upright variety, fresh yield, dry yield.

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