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Department of Geospatial Science and Technology, Ardhi University, Dar Es Salaam 35175, Tanzania


Beef cattle production is declining in the areas surrounding LVB (Lake Victoria Basin) due to many factors among which is the climate change. This study was focused on generating spatial knowledge that will be useful in designing appropriate strategies for improving beef cattle production on rangelands of the LVB, through assessing changes in stock routes in relation to water and pasture availability for livestock under a changing climate. The study used participatory mapping and focused group discussions to assess spatial changes of stock routes in relation to water availability and pasture under critical climate changes. Also, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technologies were deployed in formalization of spatial layers for integration with other pertinent datasets to the facilitate analysis. The study revealed remarkable stock routes changes (i.e. some have been lost, some have been converted into roads, while others have been lost and others narrowed influencing conflicts between pastorists and farmers. The stock routes changes are made by the increased human population which has led to an increase of cultivated areas and subsequently the decline of water sources and grazing land for pastorists. It is recommended that there should be effective land use planning practice, real-time stock route modification concomitant with adverse climate changes and cattle farming practice. Intervention by other mitigation measures particuticularly rainwater harvesting which is a strategy for alleviation of climate change effects for improving beef cattle production in LVB areas is proposed.


Stock routes changes, participatory mapping, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology, beef cattle production, climate change, LVB (Lake Victoria Basin).

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