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Physics Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City 04510, Mexico


As it is known, staying for long periods of time in a place with high concentration of radon is a health hazard. This health risk can be increased into adulthood, if at infant ages the young people grow inside places with important indoor radon levels. Causal associations between exposure level and lung cancer have been demonstrated in epidemiological studies around the world, suggesting that for younger age children groups, the risk coefficient of lung cancer for inhaled radon and their daughters is about a factor of 4 on children from recent born to 10 years old, and 2 for ages between 10 to 20 years old. The aim of this work is to determine the indoor radon levels where infants, from 3 months to 6 years old, remain long times in child care centers and kindergartens. Indoor radon (222Rn) concentration levels were measured in the child care centers and kindergartens of the 16 political administrative regions, covering 5% of the total in Mexico City. This study was conducted over a one-year period, divided into four three-month periods coinciding with the seasons. Nuclear Track Methodology was selected for the measurements, and a passive close-end-cup-device was designed specifically to be used in children places. In this study, the results of measurements of indoor radon concentration in child care centers and kindergartens in Mexico City are encouraging, finding indoor radon levels between 26 Bq/m3 and 75 Bq/m3 with an average value of 51 Bq/m3. It can be considered that the indoor radon concentration levels are low in this type of buildings, due to the benign climate in the city, the architecture design of the constructions, and the ventilation habits of the population.


Indoor radon, radon, nuclear tracks, kindergartens.

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