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The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of interest groups on the Europe 2020 Strategy. One of the basic assumptions of the author is to present its analysis of the public consultation on the Europe 2020 strategy and its impact on the development of the European Union. The European Union needs to stimulate the economic integration of its particular Member States and the assumed postulates will strengthen its global position. The goal is to create a strong economy, based on modern technologies and knowledge, which would be able to compete with the healthiest economies in the world. The main intention of the author of this article is to find answers to the following research questions: Did the interest groups have or do they still have any considerable influence on the strategies implemented in the European Union? To what extent do they contribute to the process of reforming the Europe 2020 strategy through consultations within the framework of the European Union? Are their lobbying activities efficient enough to allow for the perception of interest groups as significant players, capable of influencing the course of consultations on the Europe 2020 strategy? What kind of external factors make it possible for the interest groups to influence the consultations? To what extent are business groups capable of influencing particular institutions in the course of consultations on the Europe 2020 strategy? What does their activation in relation to these institutions depend on?


interest groups, lobbying, European Union, Europe 2020, European law

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