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Kisangani (00°31'N 25°11'E; Alt. 400 m) covers 1.910 Km2. The primary habitat in the region is lowland rainforest. Ornithological studies in the region began with the American Museum of Natural History expedition in the early 1900s. The preliminary surveys showed an interesting wealth of iconic or endemic species (e.g. Congo Peacock, Afropavo congensis and Congo Sunbird, Nectarinia congoensis). The diversity of birds highligthed in these early surveys prompted the Faculty of Science at the University of Kisangani to begin to conduct systematic faunal studies of birds. Forest reserves, islands and disturbed environments were surveyed for birds. Capture and release and opportunistic observations were the primary survey methods. The present work provides a list of species encountered during surveys conducted at 5 sites from 1976-2014. A total of 267 species were recorded. These results provide a starting point to improve the state of knowledge about birds of Kisangani. However several natural forest sites were not surveyed: Uma, Banalia, Wania Rukula, Yangambi, Osiyo. The combination of several methods, sampling techniques and studies based on feathers, genetic material may be relevant to the assessment of avian biodiversity in this region.


State, knowledge, biodiversity, kisangani

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