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Lecturer, Al Jouf University, College of Science & Arts Al Qurayat, KSA Vice President for Academic Affairs, Tafila Technical University, Tafilah, Jordan


The present study investigates the socio-pragmatic functions of greetings in certain verses of the Glorious Qur'an. It studies Qur'anic greetings contextually within the framework of Austin’s and Searle’s speech act. To achieve the purpose of the study, 33 utterances of greetings have been chosen from the Glorious Qur'an, collected and translated. Then, these utterances have been classified and analyzed according to the Qur'anic exegeses. Those examples have been divided according to addresser, addressee, and occasion into five types which are Allah’s greetings then Angels’, Prophets’, Muslims’, and hypocrites’ and infidels’. After having surveyed a fairly representative body of relevant literature, the researchers have found Qur'anic greetings are employed to convey various functions such as: praising, honoring, welcoming, supplicating, carrying glad tidings, appreciating, honorable mention, rich reward, reassurance, establishing friendship and closeness between people who do not know each other, generating mutual love, and a sense of cohesion.


glorious Qur'an, socio-pragmatics, greetings, functions, Speech Act Theory

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