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Department of Pedagogy, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden


This text focuses on multilingual children’s education and language development in the Swedish preschool context discussing linguistic strategies, language diversity, native language, and native language support. Speaking Swedish in the Swedish preschool is the norm; it is the major language in Sweden and it is also the native language of the majority of the children. However, speaking about native language in the Swedish school context, it is often about native languages other than Swedish. We are speaking about the children with a native language other than Swedish, the multilingual children. Research shows that interaction between the children and the teachers is crucial for the children’s learning, language acquisition, and identity development. The interaction, expectations, and attitudes that the child, the teacher, and others in the surroundings have both to the language or languages that should be learned and to the child who should learn, are also critical for success in language development. When a child in the preschool pedagogical practice develops the native language, the child becomes less subordinate, can play together in many settings, and get access to the world in the preschool and in the society that is expressed and understood through language.


preschool, translanguaging, linguistic diversity, language norm, language development

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