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Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, Zhuhai, China


This study explores the relationships between mixed achievement goals and metacognition in Chinese English major students’ in-class listening comprehension and strategy selection, continuing threads of traditional research into the receptive language modalities of reading and listening. Stereotypes of foreign English teachers are also examined for their positive and negative effects on student affect, cognition, and metacognition. Choosing an appropriate achievement goal construct from several paradigms, the researcher chooses a mastery and performance dichotomy, with strong and weak tendencies, to create four achievement goal profiles within a group of 84 sophomore English majors in Mainland China. Methodology is hybrid, with quantitative classroom research data and qualitative teacher reflections. The main findings are that subjects with strong mastery achievement goals measure high on listening comprehension tests and demonstrate heightened competence with top-down listening comprehension strategies. Other findings confirm prior suggestions that students with heightened comprehension may not always use, or be cognizant of, bottom-up learning strategies. Suggestions for foreign and local researchers include the development of socioculturally specific, yet parsimonious, achievement goal constructs for Chinese postsecondary students of English, so that curriculum developers and teachers can simultaneously teach a language of metacognition to all students, while enhancing their listening comprehension.


listening comprehension, achievement goal profile, metacognition, learning strategies, Chinese students

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