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In a human, the head and spine work together in any kind of posture and movement. Any movement starts from the head through neck flexion and specifically capital flexion. Capital flexion initiates the straightening of the cervical spine which causes the connection of the head on the C1-C2 suboccipital part to the thoracic and lumbar parts. With this, the spine starts to move and postural tone increases. Without construction of the neck or alteration of the axis, as seen with cases of prematurity, postural tone becomes low. Typical features of children with prematurity include low postural tone, altered axis of the head and neck which generates incorrect or ineffective vestibular information and poor cortical movement caused by poor development of capital flexion. Therefore, the most important aspect to consider is the lack of capital flexion causing the absence of some initiation of movements of the spine which leads to further weakness of the neck and trunk.


Eyes, capital flexion, neck, postural tone, axis, spine movement

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