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Changsha Jiageer Machinary Manufacture Co., Ltd., Pingtang Town, Changsha City 410208, Hunan Province, China


All life forms in the universe have four-seasonal structure, four-seasonal movement, four gradations, and rise and fall of four gradations. This is the common feature of all life forms in the universe and the general law of the universe. The unity of the universe includes the unity of all universal forces which consist of two kinds, physical force and life force. The former includes bonding force, strong interaction, quark confinement, weak interaction, electromagnetic interaction and gravitational interaction and is also called four-seasonal structure. The latter lies inside the life forms, combines life beings and pushes the four-seasonal movement and rise-fall movement inside life forms. Life force includes transverse four-seasonal force, longitudinal four-seasonal force, four-gradation force, life being structural force and four-gradation rise-fall force. All these forces are united to form a complex life force system. Life force is also a compound, integral, long-range and automatically-closed four-seasonal force. Life being structural force is a force that connects all parts of a life being to make it an integral being. In the universe, life being structural force is an invisible three-dimensional net and a rigid structure and movement. It endows all heavenly bodies with a highly orderly structure and movement. Morality is the dominator of the universe. The whole universe is a moral system and all things in it have morality. Morality is also presented as a force, namely moral force, including rise force and fall force. The unity of all forces in the universe is the general law of the universe.


Universe, general law, various forces, unity.

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