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KPK, Pakistan
University of Swat, Mingora, Pakistan


The world is moving towards e-learning and Pakistan is a part of the globe and has to face the challenges of globalization. The purpose of this study was to design and develop web textbooks for information and communication technology (ICT)-integrated teacher education in Pakistan. The vision was to see Pakistan as a leader in e-learning and online teacher education in the world. The mission was to promote e-learning in Pakistan. The objective of the study was to design and develop course materials and e-content in educational psychology and teacher education disciplines, according to the curricula and syllabi of the universities in Pakistan as approved by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Thus, develope web textbooks for the teacher education in Pakistan, in order to make it blended learning and online e-learning system in future. The writer of the script in hypertext preprocessor (PHP), a programming language, for textbooks is a student of software engineering who designed a website for these books. The course materials were divided into units and units were further subdivided into topics. It has also included e-assessment on multiple choice questions (MCQs) at the end of the unit and the whole course for feedback to the students and authors. The study is significant, because it will help Pakistan in innovation for effective e-learning in virtual learning environment framework and extend to the global world community.


web textbook, e-learning, online learning, teacher education, e-content, educational technology, educational psychology

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