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State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia


The research had the purpose to know: (a) the effects of inquiry learning based multimedia towards student’s achievement; (b) the effects of student’s creativity level towards student’s achievement; and (c) the interaction between inquiry learning based multimedia and the creativity levels to influence students’ achievements. The population of this research are all students from the first grade class in Dharma Bakti Senior High School at the academic year 2012/2013. The research used quasi experiments method. This research results showed that the data are normal distribution and samples are homogeneous. Experimental class, which was taught by inquiry learning based multimedia, can increased the students’ achievements by an average gain of 0.69. However, in the control class, which was taugh by conventinal, it increased by 0.52. The statistic data of student’s achievement showed the significance different (p = 0.017, which is below the value 0.05). The creativity levels showed that the p is below the value 0.05 (p = 0.041) and the interaction between inquiry learning based multimedia and the creativity levels showed that p is higher than the value 0.05 (p = 0.367). The hypothesis concluded that: 1. The inquiry learning based multimedia influenced the students achievements; 2. The creativity levels influenced the student’s achievement; and 3. There was no interaction between inquiry learning based multimedia and the creativity levels to influence students’ achievements.


inquiry learning, multimedia, creativity levels, student’s achievement, chemical bonding

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