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The Police Academy, Szczytno, Poland


Background/Objectives and Goals: The aim of the publication is to present the results of tests obtained through the use of method of examining documents consisting of literature, normative and source acts study, on creating the system which supports the psychological test (battery of psychological tests) of Police drivers, including the drivers of enforcement vehicles of the Police. The system in its assumption should, among other things, enable the evaluation of intellectual efficiency, psychomotor capability and personality (in accordance with the detailed guidelines of annex 6 to the Ministerial Order of 8 July 2014 regarding psychological tests of drivers steering the vehicles with the use of the tools of the proven accuracy, accuracy above 0.7, objective, standardized and normalised within the group of police drivers). The described tests are conducted based on the grant, financed by the National Centre for Research and Development for the implementation of development project titled “Development of support system of psychological tests of drivers for the Police” No. DOB-BIO6/19/98/2015. Methods: The method of examining documents in the form of indirect observation enabled the analysis of national as well as international acts and acts applied in the European Union. The rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal and National Judicial Council were also subjected to the analysed tests. The method of examining documents, which provides the opportunity to avail of doctoral sources, was applied in the tests of the dogmatic character. The views of the representatives of individual fields of science concerning the matters connected with the issues of creating fully functioning, implemented system, that is one satisfying the requirements of the highest, IX level of preparedness of the main project, also concerning the law regulations, were presented. Results: As a result of the development of the project, a new fully functioning system supporting the psychological test of police drivers, including the drivers of enforcement vehicles will be created which will be based on the modern IT technologies and will operate in the police PSTD network. The system will meet all the current legal requirements and quality requirements dedicated to psychological diagnostics; it will be equipped in accordance with standards and optimized in terms of diagnostic relevance. The system will allow for an efficient management of documentation of the tests and informing the subjects (results, advice, recommendations). Such understood system will be implemented in the Police allowing the Police for an independent conduct of required by the law regulations psychological tests of drivers through the usage of the existing staff of the psychological police studios and without extra costs connected with the outsourcing of the external psychological tests. In its assumptions, the project is supposed to contribute to the realization of the European Road Safety Action Programme for the years 2011-2020. Two aims connected with the realization of the described project, that is the improvement of the execution of road traffic rules and promoting the use of modern technology to increase road safety, were set out within its assumptions.


management, communication, psychology, driver, alcohol

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Arkadiusz Letkiewicz, Izabela Nowicka, & Ewa Kuczyńska. (2017). Development of Support System of Psychological Tests of Drivers for the Police. Psychology Research, 7(2), 119-129.


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