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Islamabad Model College for Girls NHC, Federal Directorate of Education Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan


Child sexual abuse (CSA) means contacts or relations between a child and an adult, i.e., stranger, sibling, parent, or caretaker, when the child is being used as an entity of satisfaction of lust for adult’s needs. This research     paper highlights the issue of fondling and pornography. Very outrageous facts and figures were derived as from among 460 children 197 (42%) were found victims of fondling and 16 were the victims both fondling and pornography both. Result showed that fondling and pornography is prevailing in higher ratio in the society as compared to gang rape and sodomy. 4 to 8 years girls and 11 to 14 years boys are at higher risk of fondling.   Boys are more prone to pornography as compared to girls. This paper suggested the age appropriate   terminologies and vocabulary for teachers and parents to make children aware of the issue and body protection and provided guideline to curriculum developers to add age appropriate content regarding body protection in curriculum.


abuse, fondling, pornography, good touch, bad touch, good secret, bad secret

Cite this paper

Noor E. Ain. (2017). Prevention of Child Abuse Through Awareness and Curriculum Design. Psychology Research, 7(2), 112-118.


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