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Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey


The aim of this study was to develop a new brief scale to determine school administrators’ solution-focused school leadership features. Additionally, it was aimed to explore the psychometric properties including factor structure, reliability and validity analysis of the Solution-Focused School Leadership Scale (SFSLS). The data were collected from 192 teachers. The results of the study suggested two-factor subscales for SFSLS. Factor structure of SFSLS was examined by means of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. In general, the SFSLS demonstrated adequate model fit, showed strong internal consistency and correlated with the SFSLS subscales. In total, the findings support that the SFSLS is a valid and reliable measure to determine school administrators’ solution-focused school leadership features. This scale can be considered crucial in determination of school administrators’ solution-focused school leadership features so that solution-focused school management strategies can be developed to handle various problems of schools.


solution-focused, school leadership, scale development, reliability, validity

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Şenol Sezer. (2017). Solution-Focused School Leadership Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study. Psychology Research, 7(2), 95-103.


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