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Ati Cahayani, doctor of education management, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Communication Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Aristo Surya Gunawan, master of management (major in finance), Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Communication Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Kurnianing Isololipu, doctor of business administration, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Communication Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.


To Indonesia, entrepreneurship still has to be enforced. By that reason, it requires comprehensive exploration about entrepreneurship and the related factors. Entrepreneurial characteristic is one of the most important factors when people discuss entrepreneurship because a new business could grow and sustain its life if only a strong entrepreneurial characteristic existed in the entrepreneur’s inner-self. This research sought to know and explore the prominent entrepreneurial characteristics in young entrepreneurs in creative industry field in Jakarta as well as to know the entrepreneurial characteristics related to the success and continuity of the businesses carried on. Through this research, the mapping of entrepreneurial characteristics could be done, thus, the comprehension regarding the entrepreneurial characteristics in young entrepreneurs could be achieved. This research uses quantitative and qualitative methodology. Respondents for quantitative data were chosen by purposive techniques. Total respondents for quantitative data are 150 young entrepreneurs who run their businesses in the creative industry field located in five regions in Jakarta. The respondents are the owners of one creative industry. Out of those 150 respondents, 15 people were interviewed to obtain qualitative data that need more in-depth data. The technique to determine the informants was also done through purposive technique. Those 15 informants are business owners in the creative industry field in five regions of capital city who have bachelor’s degree and are not older than 35 years old. One of the results of this research is that from the 15 tested characteristics, three entrepreneurial characteristics that have the highest points from the young entrepreneurs in the creative industry field in Jakarta region are responsibility, perseverance, and optimism.


entrepreneurial characteristic, young entrepreneurs, creative industry

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