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Lecturer in Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritime Transportation, Alexandria 21532, Egypt


Prevailing maritime relations in the present era resort to arbitration to resolve arising disputes where parties of these relations should agree on the solution to the current or future conflicts arising from them to a specialist arbitrators of their choice known for their competence and experience in the maritime field to adjudicate the provisions of the arbitration binding. Maritime arbitration grew since the time of the Romans, and spread to the Middle Ages as a simple, flexible and specialized system to resolve maritime disputes, but it gained popularity in the present era as a result of booming international trade and commerce between different countries where this trade found that shipping is the best way among different means of transportation for its low costs and the large volume of cargo transported by it. Marine disputes submitted for arbitration are many and varied, some of which comes from the contract between the stakeholders and others arising from maritime accidents, and examples of the first group is the shipbuilding, repair, sold, leased and insured contracts , the transport of goods or people contracts, marine sales contracts as well as the diameter of maritime contracts. The second group is maritime collision, Assistance and Rescue and the settlement of joint naval losses. London and New York are considered of the most cities in the world that embrace this type of arbitration followed by Paris and Tokyo. In London alone there are more than four hundred nautical arbitration rulings in each year.


Arbitration, maritime, disputes, conflicts, trade, shipping, salvage, accidents.

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