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The southern region of the state of Chihuahua is mining by origin, as this has been proved ghost towns of Minas Nuevas, it is also called Villa Escobedo, Emerald and Blue. Minerals are nonrenewable resources. There are only reserves and waste deposited in tailings ponds of low-rade precious metals (gold and silver). A conventional method for recovering gold and silver ore is low-grade cyanidation and the solvent consider toxic and highly dangerous for the flora, fauna, humans and the environment. The mechanism of cyanide poisoning is inhibition of cytochrome oxidase—an enzyme needed for cell respiration. Without compromising efficiency, sensitivity and cost of the process, the toxic solvent is replaced by a less aggressive one, which helps the environment, public and occupational health. (NH4)2S2O3 has no appreciable damage to conservative amounts, is a selective aqueous solvent for leaching gold and silver, easy to get and manipulate. This work is done in the Technological Institute of Parral in a low-grade ore from the southern region of the state of Chihuahua. This document has been enriched presented in the IMEC 2014, with the increase
of series V and VI.


 Leaching, cyanide, ammonium thiosulfate.

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