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This study affirms the effect of family planning on rural household food security. The major thrust of this research identified socio-economic characteristics of respondents, various family planning methods used, benefit of use and factors influencing household food security in the study area. The research was carried out in 4 Local Government areas (LGAs) of Oyo state, where five communities each were randomly selected from the LGAs. A total of 272 households were sampled from the 20 communities. Descriptive and multinomial logit regression were used to analyse data collected. Findings revealed that 64.4% of the respondents were female, mean age was 40 years; about 80% of them were married and most of them had formal education with average of 10years spent in school. Result further revealed that that most of the respondents adopt artificial method of family planning. Sex, marital status of respondent, number of children; primary occupation, traditional method, natural method and artificial method of family planning were the factors influencing household food security status. It was recommended that rural household should be enlightened on the advantages of the use of family planning to improve their household nutritional intake level as well as standard of living.


Food security, rural household, family planning, multinomial logit

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