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The transmission of sexually transmitted infection (STI) pathogens from an infected donor to the recipient of a semen donation in assisted conception may result not only in acute infection but also in long-term reproductive complications or adverse outcomes of pregnancy including infection of the offspring. Semen samples were obtained by masturbation into sterile containers. Samples were subjected to semen analysis within one hour of collection and processed for freezing within two hours of collection. The sperm motility was determined. After DNA extraction the PCR was performed and amplicons are subsequently hybridized to pathogen-specific capturing probes via “Flow-through” hybridization. During our study we came across with the STI pathogens present in semen and main cause of infertility was note. It was also observed that route for the transfer for these STI pathogens were the men working in other cities and visited commercial sex workers and their complained for infertility. We have reported our data that after the normal sperm count in semen samples of men with infertility or subfertility they were infected with Chlamtdia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Mycoplasma hominis. In our study all the 11 pathogens were detected which cause serious reproductive complications and infection in their offspring.


Sexually transmitted disease, Chlamtdia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis

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