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Carbohydrate, in the form of glucose, is the preferred fuel for working muscles particularly during high intensity activity. Some carbohydrate will be used up irrespective of the type of exercise performed. A study was conducted to assess the knowledge of adolescent female football players regarding carbohydrate and its importance. It was found that 70% subjects were aware of the term carbohydrate. The awareness of the subjects regarding the term carbohydrate and its association with the function of carbohydrate is highly significant (P < 0.001). The awareness level of the subjects on carbohydrate sources, type of carbohydrate to be consumed before, after and during competition was not significant. A need for developing nutrition education tools and imparting nutrition education programs becomes pertinent to enable the players to choose appropriate diet to enhance their performance. e consumed before, after and during competition was not significant. A need for developing nutrition education tools and imparting nutrition education programs becomes pertinent to enable the players to choose appropriate diet to enhance their performance.


Carbohydrate, knowledge, nutrition education, performance.

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