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Thousand Seed Weight (TSW) is one of the major yield components of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Here reports an extra-large seed germplasm GM01 which was obtained through isolated microspore culture. Three-way cross was made: H8—a Yunnan spring early-maturing rapeseed variety, “Legency”—a Canadian canola variety and “020010”—a semi-winter late-maturing rapeseed variety. One hundred and forty eight doubled hyploid lines were obtained from the F1 plants of three-way cross through isolated microspore culture. Among them, the TSW of GM01 amounted to 8.68 g and the TSW of 53 lines were above 5.0 g. The TSWs of GM01 were relatively stable among the multi-location field trials from 2007 to 2014 with variation being only 10%-15% among the locations and years. Compared with H8, GM01 had larger flowers, stigmas, siliques and seed diameters, but less branches, siliques per plant and seeds per silique.


Brassica napus, germplasm, seed weight, morphological trait, microspore culture

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