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1. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto 612-8235, Japan
2. Disaster Prevention Researtch Institute, Kyoto University, Uji 611-0011, Japan


A middle size experiental wave generator has been implemented is the Ujikawa Open Laboratory, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University. The generator is composed of a pistontype wave maker, a head strage water tank and a current generator to mainly reproduce long waves like tsunami and storm surge. The paper desribes several experimental series to predict the applicability of the generator to model tests. The three operating sysemes are capable to be controlled in one operating sysytem and start time is contorolled separately according with the target tsunami and storm surge profiles. A sharp tsunami profile is reproduced in adjusting the start timing of piston type wave maker and opening gates of head storage tunk. Any type of tsunami waves are reproduced in the generator and it becomes a storong tool to predict the effective of “resiliency” of hardwares.


Tsunami, storm surge, experimental generator tool, wave maker.

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