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1. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Tegatagakuen-machi 1-1, Graduate School of Engineering & Resource Science, Akita Univ., Akita 010-8502, Japan
2. Dept. of Mechanical and Intelligent Engineering Yoto, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya Univ., Utsunomiya-shi 7-1-2, Japan


Spiral Magnus is a unique wind turbine system that rotates with cylinders which have spiral-shaped fins coiled around them (instead of using the more common propeller-type blades). In the present study, three models (cylinder with no fins, cylinder with straight fins and cylinder with spiral fins) were installed, and fluid force measurements were performed by a strain gauge force balance. A PIV (particle image velocimetry) system was used to better understand the flow fields around the cylinder. Considering the results of the experiment, it was confirmed that, the aerodynamic performance of the rotating cylinder can be improved by the fin. However, the straight fin makes the flow close to the cylinder surface ineffective. The rotary cylinder with the spiral fins was able to generate the greatest lift among three models, because the spiral fin effectively influences the vicinity of the cylinder surface.


Wind turbine, Magnus effect, wind tunnel test, spiral Magnus.

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